Legacy of Kain OST
Click on the image next to the description to download the in-game soundtrack. Use the list below to quickly select the one you want and then click on each image to download.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
This is the latest version of SR1 soundtrack (v8.2). There is also an alternate version, which follows the alpha version structure. Contains 190 tracks.
Music by Kurt Harland.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver OST by Dee Dyne
This version was extracted directly from the game, something previously thought impossible! All credit goes to DeeDyne and SalsaGal. It contains many hours of all the tracks and their variations from the game, some not even possible to trigger. Available in OGG or MP3 formats.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 OST by DeeDyne
The link contains MIDI files, soundfont and 194 tracks from SR2 as decompiled by DeeDyne and SalsaGal. It is the most comprehensive compilation to date, including demos and prototype versions. Available in OGG or MP3 format.
Music by Kurt Harland and Jim Hedges.
Soul Reaver 2 Promotional OST
There was only one official soundtrack ever released, the SR2 Promo soundtrack, which contained tracks from both SR1 and SR2. Unfortunately, it is out of print and hard to find. Contains 10 tracks.
Music by Kurt Harland and Jim Hedges.